Bring your shovels, your plants, your dirty hands.
Richmond Ground Up introduces an exciting resource for urban farming in the Richmond, Virginia area. The Richmond Crop Mob is a social media advocacy movement and alert tool for urban farmers, gardeners, and green thumb volunteers. This new platform allows interested participants to engage in growing urban farming/gardening movements throughout the Richmond, Virginia community and facilitates access to information about ongoing urban farming practices.
Through social media, the Richmond Crop Mob will alert volunteers to unpaid urban farming projects that are hosted by community organizations. These short calls for participation will be advertised through text messages, blog posts, tweets, facebook updates, etc. Like the growing flash mobs movement around the world, the Richmond Crop Mob asks for volunteer participation with local communities and strives to create awareness about current social issues. Ultimately, the Richmond Crop Mob will support the successful implementation of volunteer engagement with urban farming and gardening programs in Richmond.
Richmond Crop Mob seeks help from volunteers to assist in the needs of Richmond’s urban farming and gardening community partners.
“Anywhere there’s dirt, a community can grow.” Rob Jones (Crop Mob participant)
Contact RichmondGroundUp@gmail.com
What is this idea all about?
How do I start a Crop Mob?
Start a Crop Mob
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